
Showing posts from November, 2018

religious convictions

Have you visited the distillery I've been down there many times and so has Ron. We've actually stood in the field and harvested the agave ourselves for a little while. It's amazing what those guys can do. Jeff was a real cornball, to say the least. He would come out front from his office at the Carrillo Street Store and hob knob with customers on a regular basis, and one of his favorite little stunts was to knowingly refer to someone mother as sister." Everyone knew he was full of it, but they loved it nonetheless. I recall the day Kim Mearig came in to buy her first wetsuit ever, a timid young girl accompanied by her mother. cheap nfl jerseys Many of the American colonies were settled by people who refused to compromise their religious convictions. They held that God law, natural law, and the Scriptures could not be denied or set aside by man made laws. For these original settlers, the politics of man made laws and religion were